Friday, September 14, 2007

After-Prom Party Fundraising

A story appeared yesterday in the Maryland Community Newspapers Online regarding fundraising for school events such as after-prom parties. The article begins by saying...

"Funds raised by high school PTAs in Prince George’s County and Baltimore City will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the state as part of an effort to bolster parental involvement. The legislation, which takes effect Oct. 1, ties into recent requests from Prince George’s school system officials for PTAs to become more active. The state law would match funds up to $5,435 per high school PTA."
Read the entire article here...

If you live in Maryland, this is great news, but if you reside in any of the other 49 states, you may want to contact your local representatives. Show them this story and ask if your state has any such programs in place, and if not... would they be willing to sponsor such a bill.

Lack of funds is possibly the biggest reason most schools or PTO's cite for not having an after-prom event for their school. However, when the goal is saving ONE child's life, no excuse is valid. In my book, the After Prom Party Guide, I spend a great deal of time discussing fundraising and how to launch a successful program. With or without your state's 50/50 fundraising plan, getting your community behind such an event is a must.

If you are not involved in planning your school's after-prom party for 2008, please pass this along to other parents so that they can benefit from this news. Thanks!

BTW: Help us spread the word about the need for schools to hold an after-prom party. Most parents are not aware that this is one of the deadliest weekends of their child's lives... help us spread a "Life Saving Virus" and share the news! See:

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