Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Can you believe that here it is Christmas morning and I'm typing this. . . now? Actually, I'm waiting for everyone else to stir and begin our Christmas day celebration. I had some quiet time and my mind was wandering from my To-Do list to dinner preparation and a thousand fleeting ideas in between... you know how that works.

One of those fleeting thoughts was of some additions I wanted to make to the After-Prom website and I thought... "yikes, it has been a long time since I posted a message to my blog". Then the guilt feeling caused me to look in the direction of this computer and I figured I should at least acknowledge all those special people who took it upon themselves to plan a special event for their children's prom.

Life is tough and it is especially challenging for teens (and parents of teens) and it is so rewarding to see so many parents and parent organizations take it upon themselves to plan an after-prom party to protect their kids on what can be the most dangerous night of their lives. To all those concerned parents, teachers and PTO's, I would like to say 'Thank You".

Have a very Merry Christmas and thank you again for your plans and preparation to keep the 2008 Senior Prom a safe and rewarding experience for our teenagers.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Michelle Dunn said...

I'm glad that I came across your blog! Prom time for my little girl will be something that I'll be most concerned with, and my boys of course too. And yes, this really is such a stressful time in the lives us parents and our kids...the wonderful teenage years! :) Thanks for posting!!

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